Certificate Installation: OCS 2007 Server (Certificate Wizard)

May 25, 2018 in WebServer

Installation using OCS 2007 Certificate Wizard

  • Open the ZIP file containing your certificate.
  • Copy your_domain_name.cer the Office Communications Server where you you generated the CSR.
  • On the server click Start, then Programs, then Administrative Tools, and then click Office Communications Server 2007.
  • Expand the snap-in until you find the Enterprise Edition Server.
  • Right click on the Office Communications Server where the CSR was generated previously, and click Certificates.
  • Click 'Next', then chose to 'Process the pending request and install the certificate'.
  • Browse to your_domain_name.cer and click Next.
  • This will install the certificate.
  • You can view the certificate and close the certificate wizard.

Your SSL Certificate is now installed and ready to use.

For more information, see Microsoft's official Office Communications Server documentation