EssentialSSL Certificate Installation: Lotus Domino server

May 25, 2018 in SMTP and SHA 1

Installing your Certificate on a Lotus Domino Server versions 4.6x onwards
Installing the certificates on Lotus Domino Server requires the certificates to be merged into the Key Ring file.

This process must be completed for both root certificates provided.

  • In Notes, from the administration panel, click System Databases and choose Open Domino Server Certificate Administration (CERTSRV.NSF) on the local machine.
  • Click Install trusted root Certificate into Key Ring (option 3).
  • Enter the file name for the Key Ring that will store this certificate. The Key Ring file was created when you created the server Certificate Signing Request.
  • Select the correct certificate file from the zip file that was sent to you by email.
  • Select File in the 'Certificate Source' field. Enter the file name in the file name field.

You will need to import the certificates in the below order

  1. AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt (supplied in zip file)
  2. UTNAddTrustSGCCA.crt (supplied in zip file)
  3. ComodoUTNSGCCA.crt (supplied in zip file)
  4. EssentialSSLCA.crt (supplied in zip file)

Click to download the EssentialSSLCA files

  • Click 'Merge Certificate into Key Ring.'
  • Enter the password for the server key ring file and click OK to approve the merge.

Once all of the root certificates are installed you will need to install the site certificate following the below instructions

  • Click Install Certificate into Key Ring (Option 4).
  • Enter the file name for the Key Ring that will store this certificate. The Key Ring file was created when you created the server Certificate Signing Request.
  • Detach the file from the email to your hard drive and unzip it.
  • Select File in the 'Certificate Source' field. Enter the file name in the file name field.
  • Click 'Merge Certificate into Key Ring.'
  • Enter the password for the server key ring file and click OK to approve the merge.

For additional information, please refer to your server documentation.