Internal - Salesforce Supplemental Procedural Summary for Agents

August 8, 2018

Salesforce Supplemental Summary
#1. When you look at a ticket the first thing to establish is if it is in the correct case reason (queue). If this is for an EV order, then move to EV validation. If this is for Certificate Manager, then make sure it is in that queue. You MUST change the case owner as well as the case reason.
#2. Once the ticket is in the correct case reason (queue) and you are authorized to work that queue, then the next required step is to put yourself as the Case owner. Every case you touch must list you as the case owner. It is your job to continue to follow up with this case until we can close it.
Case Reason = Queue
Case Owner = Agent owning ticket

#3. Start every shift by checking the “my open cases” view and check periodically throughout the day. This will contain all cases you are assigned to that require an action including “In Progress”.
#4 Know what Queues you should be working in in Saleforce and in order of priority:

  1. Tier 1 Validation: Partner Val, (EV Val if permissioned), Val Docs, Account Changes, Validation Callbacks
  2. Tier 2 Validation: SSL Abuse (if trained), Val Escalated, CCM Val, EV Val, Partner Val, and Brand Val (if permissioned)
  3. Tier 1 Support: Certificates, HG/HP/WI
  4. Tier 2 Support: Support Esc, CCM, HG/HP/WI

#5. In order to work a case, the following must all be connected. Account > Contact > Case. We cannot miss a step, or we risk corruption of data. Use OMS and the customer to fill in missing details. Not all fields have to be completed, but the most important ones are mandatory.
#6. Work oldest “New” tickets first after reviewing your “In Progress” cases. If you need to sort your views or add filters, then salesforce will allow you to do this.
#7. Just because the case has a case owner, other agents can still work on them once we are all caught up. If the agent is sick or away or has “In Progress” cases, the team should pick that up next before taking new tickets
#8. When sending an email, you must change the “To” from the default (which is your email address) to one more appropriate. When in doubt, [email protected] will always work. Customers cannot send to this email address, they must reply to the previously received email from Salesforce.
#9. Close, close, close! Close tickets wherever possible. When you answer a customer’s question, issue an order, or provide informational links then close the ticket. If the customer needs to contact us back, they can reply to the email and that will reopen the case.
#10. If you don’t know the answer, then create a case and escalate it. Both departments have an ‘escalated’ queue worked by leads and management. Start by asking your peers and leads and if they are unable to assist then escalate the ticket.
#11 Temporarily, only open a SF case for a chat or call if the case must be followed up with. If there is no further action required (i.e. simple question/answer) then you do not need to document the contact until further notice.
#12. When an order is issued in AVS, search in Salesforce by the order number. Any open or in progress cases should be identified, quickly reviewed, and can be closed out with the “Do Not Send Closed Email” box checked.