Internal - Reinstall SCM NetworkAgent on Linux x64 server

Reinstall Sectigo Certificate Manager NetworkAgent on Linux x64 server

1. Stop the service on the server the agent is installed on
systemctl stop ccmextraagent.service

2. Backup the agent directory (command uses gzip compression)
tar zvf comodo_agent_directory.tar.gz /opt/comodo

3. Delete the "/opt/comodo" directory
rm -rf /opt/comodo

4. Stop apache web server or tomcat (if installed)
systemctl stop httpd
systemctl stop tomcat

5. Download and copy a new agent file to server
Settings > Agents > Download Agent
Copy the "ccmextraagentinstall-amd64.bin" to the server

6. Make the installer executable
chmod +x ccmextraagentinstall-amd64.bin

7. Run the installer

8. Start apache web server or tomcat (if installed)
systemctl start httpd
systemctl start tomcat

9. Configure Network Agent on SCM UI as normal (add servers, CIDR Ranges, etc)