Certificate Installation: Mac OS X Lion (10.7) Server

May 25, 2018 in Mac OS

To import your CA certificates, please perform the following:

  • Double click on the .crt file that you were sent.
  • When asked which keychain, select 'System'


  • if you prefer the command-line, from Terminal type:

sudo /usr/bin/security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k '/Library/Keychains/System.keychain' '/path/to/ca-certificate/here.crt'

Note: This is all one command (not two)

To import the SSL (entity) certificate, please perform the following:

  1. Locate all of your certificate related files: private key, your certificate and CA certificates in Finder.
  2. In the 'Server' app, select your server in the left-hand column, select the 'Settings' tab and click the 'Edit' button to the right of 'SSL Certificate'.
  3. Click the 'Actions' menu and select 'Manage Certificates'.
  4. A new dialog box slides down.
  5. Click the 'Add' (+) button and select 'Import a Certificate Identity' from the 'Actions' menu.
  6. Drag your certificate and its private key from the Finder to the dialog box and then click the 'Import' button.
  7. Select your imported certificate from the pop-up menu.

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