Certificate Installation: Sun Java Server 7.x

Sun Java 7 SSL Certificate Installation

Install your SSL Digital Certificate with Sun's 'Install Server Certificate Wizard'

Go to the Certificates Tab/Server Certificates.
Start the 'Install Server Certificate Wizard,' choose your configuration, and when prompted enter the password assigned while creating the CSR.

On step three, you can either browse to the your_domain_name.crt file you received from Sectigo, or open that file with a text editor and paste it into the 'Certificate Data' box provided.

Assign a Nickname to your certificate, and pick a listener. Click 'Next,' and then 'Finish.'
In the 'Certificate Authority' tab, install the root certificate file that you received from Sectigo as a 'Certificate Authority' (if you do not have that file, you can download it inside your Sectigo account).
In that same tab, install the intermediate certificate file as a 'Certificate Chain' file. If you have multiple intermediate certificate files as well, install that as a 'Certificate Chain'.

Under Configurations, go to 'Edit HTTP Listener'. Under 'General', check the box to enable SSL and select your SSL certificate under Certificate/RSA Certificates.

Client Authentication should almost always be set to 'False'.

Your SSL certificate should now be installed and configured for use.